路由# 321076470


The wildfires in 加州 have scorched thousands of acres of land and created a global climate impact. 去年11月和12月,帕特尔科与 一棵树 为每一位转到“庄园”的会员捐赠5棵树. 感谢那些改变主意的人,我们正在捐款 23000美元种植23000棵 树. 通过植树, we can replace barren landscapes with lush forests that release oxygen, 净化空气, 支持野生动物和生物多样性.

We appreciate our members that switched to eStatements to make this donation possible. Patelco is committed to supporting the 我们服务的社区 and reducing the effects of climate change.


我们非常关心太阳集团平台, which is why you can count on Patelco’s ongoing philanthropy during this time of uncertainty. 我们给非营利组织捐款,因为我们知道他们会有所作为. And they are the organizations in our community with whom we already have on-going partnerships, who are providing valuable and essential services – right now – to the most vulnerable during this time of crisis. 请放心,您的健康和幸福是我们的首要任务. That’s why we are working diligently to meet the needs of our partners at the frontlines of the coronavirus response.

Patelco has always prioritized supporting food security, especially in times of need. 在当前的危机中, food banks – striving to get food on everyone’s table – have had triple or more requests for food. Particularly critical is the need to feed children who are normally fed at school. Food banks are responding by providing food to these families at local school distribution sites. 其他高危人群是老年人和无家可归者. Food banks are stocking the shelves of local pantries as well as giving to smaller organizations that provide hot meals for senior citizens and lunches to the homeless. 每捐赠1美元,食物银行就能获得价值7美元的食物.

Patelco已经向我们的合作伙伴食品银行捐赠了13万美元. 我们鼓励你, 如果你有能力, to support them also and remember they are there to serve all of us who are in need:

Volunteering is part of our culture at Patelco and this year we have put our team into action every month at the 敞开心扉的厨房. This wonderful organization serves hot meals at Senior Centers and Churches in the Tri-Valley and is open to anyone in need. We are proud to support them and their efforts to continue serving meals on a to-go basis at this time.

This year marks the 3rd annual Cycle of Hope presented by 帕特尔科信用合作社. 我们不仅提供资金和志愿者支持, we also have one of the largest teams who ride their bikes to raise money for this wonderful organization!
Please join us in November and help more families achieve their goal of affordable home ownership!

In an effort to support Habitat for Humanity and their families even more, 我们在合作关系中增加了金融教育. Patelco supports Habitat’s First Time 首页 Buyer classes and offers financial education workshops throughout the bay area. These are open to Habitat families, Patelco members and the community. 一旦我们能见面,检查一下 安排在这里.

Please check out our on-line financial education resources that are always available to you.


St. 裘德儿童研究医院® serves sick kids all over the country and we are proud to support their Dream 首页 Giveaway in Sacramento. 去年我们帮助圣. Jude raise over $600,000 and we are looking forward to raising even more this year. Look for information about the brand-new dream home this summer in our 萨克拉门托分支 以及如何购买获胜的机会.



每年帕特尔科团队成员都是志愿者, walkers and runners participate in the 萨克顿信用社 to support the Children’s Miracle Network. 尽管今年的比赛被取消了, we are proud to continue supporting children’s health at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital and UC Davis Children’s Hospital. We look forward to participating at the next event on April 11, 2021.


When the Camp Fire decimated the town of Paradise and surrounding areas, 帕特尔科立即行动起来, 为我们的会员和更广泛的社区提供帮助.

2018年12月, Patelco team members partnered with the North Valley Catholic Social Service in Chico, 捐赠和分发,000年的背包, 每个人都包了一条毯子, 电源组, 50美元的塔吉特礼品卡和帕特尔科团队成员的个人留言. Patelco team member volunteers also helped over 50 families at Chico’s Salvation Army Distribution Center shop for free household, 地点的个人和食物供应

作为一名专业的开发人员超过十年, 我可以说这是我参加过的最好的比赛之一. 从你的团队下车迎接我们的那一刻起, 我知道这将是一场精彩的活动.”


Patelco has a history of supporting the community when disasters occur. In 2017 when multiple devastating fires effected Sonoma and Napa Counties, Patelco team members volunteered in the community and distributed essential supplies and food. 我们包装并分发,500磅水果和蔬菜, 为700多人提供食物, 天才1,000个护理包,筹集了234美元,000英镑分发给当地的慈善机构.

Patelco’s community team leads financial education courses in Northern 加州 high schools, 社区学院, 大学, 库, 成人教育中心和过渡性住房中心. 这些课程, 免费提供, 被关押在阿拉米达, 旧金山, Contra Costa和Placer县.

一些题目包括FICO分数, 大学生预算, 设定目标, 情感上的支出, 基本的财务知识. 想了解这些话题和更多? 查看我们的在线 财务健康资源.


As a result of our community team’s efforts, Patelco has received these awards and recognitions:

我们很自豪能参与制作 我们服务的社区 更强的.

