1 Used Auto rates starting at 6.54% APR effective 06/07/2024; subject to change without notice. Patelco根据信用记录等因素提供一系列基本利率和折扣, loan term, Patelco account relationship, vehicle mileage, amount financed and vehicle age. Additional discounts may apply. 车辆行驶里程超过10公里将包括额外费用 .50% added to rate. 实际利率在贷款完成前以书面形式向获批准的申请人披露,实际利率可能高达17%.99% APR. 要了解有关费率、条款和会员独家折扣的更多信息,例如 Commitment Household, call 800.358.8228 or visit any Patelco branch.
Used Auto loan payment examples: 0‑48 months: $23.73 per month per $1000 borrowed at 6.54% APR for 48 months; 49‑66 months: $18.08 per month per $1000 borrowed at 6.54% APR for 66 months; 67‑72 months: $16.97 per month per $1000 borrowed at 6.84% APR for 72 months; 73‑84 months: $15.24 per month per $1000 borrowed at 7.29% APR for 84 months.
2 Source: Datatrac, NCUA, and CUNA. 该研究由全国信用合作社协会(CUNA)于2021年底完成. CUNA estimates that financing a $30,在Patelco购买60个月的000辆新车将为会员平均节省1美元,780 over five years, or $356 each year, 与他们在加州另一家银行机构支付的费用相比. Member results may vary. Subject to approval.
3 汽车贷款利率从贷款批准之日起15天内有效. 任何期限和/或车辆信息的更改, credit history, account relationship, 和Patelco促销折扣或计划可能会导致价格变化. 您的最终费率将以书面形式向您披露.
4 LevelUp提供给获得Patelco信用等级2级或以上以下贷款批准的会员, motorcycle, RV, boat, and personal loans, excluding all lines of credit. Total discount of up to 1.50% APR(年度百分比率)适用于2010年.每连续12个月按时付款,年利率增加50%. 最高折扣永远不会导致最终年利率低于融资时特定贷款和期限的LevelUp最低利率. Monthly payment amount remains constant, 还有额外的钱用来支付本金, 哪一种会缩短贷款期限和在贷款期内支付的总金额.
5 Patelco运行一个“软”信贷拉动来确定你符合资格预审的条件. This doesn’t affect your credit score. 如果您选择继续进行贷款申请, Patelco将要求您从一个或多个信用报告机构获得完整的信用报告. 这将是一个“硬”拉,可能会影响你的信用. If necessary, 我们也可能与第三方分享您的某些信息, like our insurers, to process your request.