我们知道你的财务状况会随着时间的推移而改变, 和 the loan you received when you first bought your home may need to change to better align with your current plans 和 finances. 你是否想缩短贷款期限, 降低你的利率, 或者从你的家里获得股权, 再融资是一个帮助你实现目标的聪明方法.
当你再融资时,你用一笔新的贷款取代了你目前的抵押贷款. Your new mortgage will have a different rate (adjustable or fixed-rate options are available), 每月的付款, 总的来说(从10中选择,15, 20或30年). There are several reasons you may want to refinance, but here are some of the most common:
个性化的建议和指导,在每一步-找到你的 置业贷款顾问
Take advantage of our special bi-weekly payment feature to pay off your loan faster1
贷款项目 | 量 | 率 | 4月2 4月1 | |||||
18033 | 30年期固定 | $50,000 to $766,550 | 7.000 | 7.092 | 07/06/2024 | 07/06/2024 | 1 | |
18036 | 20年的固定 | $50,000 to $766,550 | 6.500 | 6.613 | 07/11/2023 | 07/11/2023 | 2 | |
18041 | 15年固定 | $50,000 to $766,550 | 6.500 | 6.641 | 07/11/2023 | 07/11/2023 | 3 | |
18046 | 10年期固定 | $50,000 to $766,550 | 6.375 | 6.571 | 12/12/2023 | 12/12/2023 | 4 | |
18049 | 30年固定高结余 | $766,551 to $1,149,825 | 7.500 | 7.592 | 02/01/2024 | 02/01/2024 | 6 | |
18053 | 15年固定高余额 | $766,551 to $1,149,825 | 7.625 | 7.774 | 02/01/2024 | 02/01/2024 | 5 | |
18057 | 30年固定巨型 | $766,551 to $2,500,000 | 6.875 | 6.950 | 09/11/2023 | 09/11/2023 | 7 | |
18061 | 15年固定巨型 | $766,551 to $2,500,000 | 6.875 | 6.996 | 09/11/2023 | 09/11/2023 | 8 |
贷款项目 | 量 | 率 | 4月2 | ||
18071 | 5/1 30年可调3 | $50,000 to $766,550 | 6.375 | 7.055 | 07/06/2024 |
18077 | 5/5 30年可调4 | $50,000 to $766,550 | 6.500 | 6.510 | 08/12/2023 |
18085 | 7/1 30年可调3 | $50,000 to $766,550 | 6.375 | 6.936 | 08/12/2023 |
18091 | 10/1 30年可调3 | $50,000 to $766,550 | 6.500 | 6.876 | 08/12/2023 |
18098 | 10/10 30年可调3 | $50,000 to $766,550 | 6.625 | 6.712 | 08/12/2023 |
18108 | 5/1 30年可调巨型3 | $766,551 to $2,500,000 | 6.375 | 7.039 | 08/11/2023 |
18114 | 5/5 30年可调巨型4 | $766,551 to $2,500,000 | 6.500 | 6.494 | 08/12/2023 |
18118 | 7/1 30年可调巨型3 | $766,551 to $2,500,000 | 6.375 | 6.921 | 08/12/2023 |
18123 | 10/1 30年可调巨型3 | $766,551 to $2,500,000 | 6.500 | 6.861 | 08/12/2023 |
18130 | 10/10 30年可调巨型5 | $766,551 to $2,500,000 | 6.625 | 6.696 | 08/12/2023 |
看看再融资对你是否有意义. 请查看 计算器.
A 利率和期限再融资 replaces your current mortgage with a new rate or term 和 the amount you owe on your current loan is transferred to a new loan. You may opt for this type of refinance if you want to reduce your current interest rate or payment or want to change your loan term. 例如, if you currently have a 30-year fixed mortgage 和 want to switch to a 15-year term, 利率和期限再融资是为您准备的.
与一个 通过再融资 you borrow more than your current mortgage loan balance by using your home’s equity as collateral. 例如, 如果你有400美元,000 principal balance on your loan 和 you want to borrow (“cash out”) an additional $50,000, 这取决于你有多少股权, 你可以用450美元为你的新贷款再融资,000. 50美元,差价在成交时支付给你方, 但你的费率和付款是基于这450美元,000年平衡.
From the time you apply to the closing of your new loan, typically takes about 45 days. 这可能看起来很长, 但这很简单, 和 most of the heavy lifting is done by our team as we review 和 underwrite your new loan. 申请后, 如果你还没有与房屋贷款顾问合作, 我们会给你找一个, 和 they will work with you to review 和 request any items we may need (such as your income, 资产, 和信用记录). They’ll work closely with you 和 will keep you updated on important milestones such as your loan approval, 贷款签署及结清.
再融资与你的第一次房屋抵押贷款挂钩, 和 when you take cash out you’re borrowing more than you owe on your loan, 但你仍然只有一次贷款和还款. 房屋净值贷款(固定利率第二抵押贷款)或 房屋净值信贷额度 (浮动利率信贷额度)是针对你的房屋的单独贷款. 你的第一笔抵押贷款保持不变, 和 your home equity loan or 房屋净值信贷额度 is used to access cash you may need for immediate or future needs.
If you’re looking to tap into your home’s equity, there are several options available – from 房屋净值贷款 和 信贷额度到现金再融资,甚至是 个人贷款 (与你的房子或任何抵押品无关). 在考虑你的选择时, 你需要考虑你目前的利率和付款情况, 你的新付款, 你需要多少钱,需要多快. Some homeowners with low fixed rates on their first mortgage may not want to refinance into a higher rate or payment, 房屋净值贷款或信用额度, 或者甚至个人贷款可能更适合. 有很多事情要考虑,这就是我们在这里的目的! 最好是和一个 置业贷款顾问 so they can give you a complete breakdown of your costs 和 options 和 recommend a solution for your individual goals.
试图摆脱债务? 了解债务合并, 如何整合债务, 以及合并的利弊, 帮你决定是否适合你!
Find out how to manage your money better 和 improve your financial well-being. Get 10 money management tips from Patelco 和 begin mastering your money now!
寻找省钱的方法? Find out how to build an emergency savings fund from the experts at 帕特尔科信用合作社. 现在就开始存钱!
If you’re considering refinancing, we know there’s a lot to think about. Everyone’s situation is unique 和 there are multiple factors at play – including your current mortgage 和 payment 和 where rates are today.
让我们帮助您探索您的选择. Our 置业贷款顾问s are experienced professionals who will review your current loan 和 goals to determine what works best for your overall financial plan. They’re located locally 和 have a unique underst和ing of the Bay Area, 萨克拉门托地区, 及以后.
1 股本建设者 is a bi-weekly payment option for specific Patelco mortgage products. Bi-weekly payment option offers reduced number of years for early loan pay-off date 和 reduced interest paid depends on loan amount, 利率, 以及每两周或每周付款计划的开始时间. 详情请咨询帕特尔科住房贷款顾问.
2 年利率. 年利率的计算依据如下:
贷款价值比(LTV)为60%, owner-occupied purchase with excellent credit 和 no subordinate financing. 您的价格可能与显示的不同, there are pricing adjustments on certain scenarios. Please use the rate 计算器 on our mortgage application site to receive a better estimate for your scenario. 利率, 条款, 条件, 和 availability are subject to change or withdrawal at any time 和 without notice. Nothing herein is or should be interpreted as an offer or commitment to lend. 贷款须经信贷和财产审批. 其他条件和限制可能适用. 可能需要危险保险. NMLS ID号码为506373.
高余额抵押贷款允许超过766美元的更高贷款限额,550符合限制高达1美元,000,000.00 for high-cost areas as determined by the Federal Finance Agency (FHFA). These higher limits are designed to make homeownership more affordable in areas with the highest home prices 和 are typically priced below jumbo mortgage loan.
3 The index is the weekly average of the 1-year US Treasury securities adjusted to constant maturity of one year, 由美联储提供. 根据初始利率,上限为每年2%,终身6%. 目前的指数是5.10%. 您的价格可能与显示的不同.
4 The index (for 5/5 product) is the weekly average of the 5-year US Treasury securities adjusted to constant maturity of five years, 由美联储提供. The caps are 2% every adjustment 和 5% lifetime based on the initial rate. 目前的指数是4.32. 您的价格可能与显示的不同.
5 The index (for 10/10 product) is the weekly average of the 10-year US Treasury securities adjusted to constant maturity of ten years, 由美联储提供. The caps are 3% every adjustment 和 6% lifetime based on the initial rate. 目前的指数是4.30. 您的价格可能与显示的不同.