2023年6月29日 • 5分钟
保护自己, it’s important to be familiar with trending 诈骗 — keep reading to learn about the latest.
永远不要分享你的网上银行用户名或密码. Patelco will NEVER contact you 和 ask for it — 和 there’s no reason anyone else needs it, ever.”
It’s tax season — 和 your accountant 和 the IRS aren’t the only ones with an eye on your taxes. 骗子也在伺机而动! This sounds scary, but you can protect yourself by learning about common tax season 诈骗. 以下是你要寻找的:
Scammers pretend to be tax professionals (or the IRS) 和 send emails or text messages with links. 不要点击你不认识的人发送的链接.
如果你收到一封你认为是欺诈性的税务邮件,把它转发到 phishing@irs.政府.
Gift cards remain a popular way for scammers to steal because they’re like cash: once someone has the gift card information, 几乎不可能再回去了. Scammers are calling claiming to be the IRS, reaching out to collect back taxes or fines. They’ll ask you to buy gift cards 和 then take the card information for themselves.
挂断电话 举报诈骗 -国税局永远不会要求通过礼品卡付款.
如果犯罪分子有你敏感的个人信息, 比如他们从邮件中偷来的社会安全号码或税单, 他们可能会以你的名义提交欺诈性申报表. 一旦资金打到你的账户, the scammers will impersonate someone from the IRS 和 call you dem和ing the return of the money. They will ask you to deposit it into a different account or send a check to an address.
如果你收到一份意外的税单或退款,请提交一份 向联邦贸易委员会投诉,与国税局联系 800.908.4490 和 询问主要的信用机构 在你的档案上加个"诈骗警报.
不幸的是,有些骗子冒充税务专家. 他们主动提出帮你纳税,先收一笔钱,然后再跟你鬼混. 只雇用有有效执照的专业人员 点击这里上网查询.
There’re also dishonest tax preparers inflating your tax return to pocket some of the refund. Criminal tax preparers will inaccurately file your taxes in order to receive a higher refund. 他们将把部分退款归自己所有. 如果你正在使用报税员, always double check their work 和 the amount they received from your tax filing.
美国人在2022年因学生贷款欺诈而损失了惊人的50亿美元.1 As students graduate high school 和 look to college in the fall, scammers are busier than ever. 如果你是数百万有学生贷款的美国人之一, beware that scammers are also looking to target you regarding relief 和 refinancing.
Many of the 诈骗 – for both new loans 和 for relief or consolidation of existing loans – involve payment of fees up front. 其他骗子冒充组织只是为了窃取你的个人信息.
底线是:如果有人找你要助学贷款, 或者你在社交媒体上看到广告, do your research 和 think carefully before providing personal information or money.
我们的Patelco会员告诉我们,他们有多喜欢数字支付(比如Venmo), 贝宝, 和 other popular platforms) for being an easy 和 secure way to send money to people they know 和 trust. 而是因为骗子可能冒充你认识的人或企业, 保护你自己和你的钱是很重要的.
无论你以前使用过数字支付还是第一次使用, 遵循这些提示来帮助你安全付款.
如果有人找到你,说他们不小心给你寄了钱, 告诉他们联系银行或信用合作社来解决这个问题. 永远不要把钱还给他们.
欺诈者在社交媒体上越来越活跃. If someone you don’t know contacts you on Instagram or another platform 和 offers to pay you, 这笔钱很可能来自一个被盗的金融账户, especially if they ask you to transfer part of the payment back to them (or to another person). 如果被盗帐户的真正所有者报失, 你可能要为存入你账户的资金买单, 再加上你寄给骗子的钱, 哪些是不可恢复的. 要警惕Instagram和社交媒体上的这些骗局:
In this scam, 欺诈sters threaten legal action to pressure you to pay a fake debt. 2022年末, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) returned more than $1 million to victims of just such 诈骗.
人们很容易落入约会软件或社交媒体上设置的浪漫骗局. The 欺诈ster creates a fake profile to start sending sweet messages 和 big proclamations to their target. 一旦他们得到了你的信任和喜爱,请求就开始了. 他们会要钱来见你(但实际上不会来), 应付意外开支, 或者家里有急事. 你会得到什么回报? 较低的账户余额.
Here’s how to protect yourself if you think you’re dealing with a romance scammer:
Want to learn more about the different types of romance 诈骗, 和 how to identify 和 avoid them? 观看下面我们的Patelco专家的视频!
不要被骗子骗了. 寻找这些警告信号,以识别可能的骗局并保护自己!
在你为你在网上找到的小狗或小猫付钱之前, 了解常见的宠物骗局, 它们是如何工作的, 如何发现骗子, 以及如果你是受害者该如何寻求帮助.
欺诈者越来越多地冒充银行和信用合作社, making calls or sending texts 和 pretending to be from Patelco or another institution. 学习帕特尔科永远不会打电话问你的事情.
1 According to Forbes 和 RoboKiller, as reported by GOBanking利率 in October 2022.