2023年5月24日 • 7分钟
随着汽车制造商向消费者推出更多的电动汽车(EV)选择, 你可能对把汽油车换成电动车感兴趣. 现在是购买的好时机. 更多的电动汽车车型可供选择, 它们的范围在不断扩大, and government incentives make 电动汽车s more affordable than ever.
你可以找到各种价位的电动汽车, ranging from 预算-friendly compact hatchbacks to higher-priced 电动汽车s, 跨界车, suv,甚至是皮卡.”
EVs now come in a 范围 of models, from small hatchbacks to luxury SUVs. 选择一个适合你的取决于多种因素. 以下是购买电动汽车时需要考虑的问题:
If you travel shorter distances and have access to an EV charging station at your destination, 全电动汽车对你来说可能是个不错的选择. 如果你开车很长一段距离,或者电动汽车充电器的使用有限, other options — such as a hybrid or gas-powered vehicle — may be the right choice for the next few years.
You’ll find fewer options if you’re looking for an EV that seats up to seven passengers comfortably with 房间 for groceries and gear. 一旦汽车制造商推出更多全尺寸电动卡车, you’ll start to see more spacious electric SUVs on the market at more affordable prices.
你需要一个地方给你的电动车充电. You may choose to power up at home, or at 工作 if your employer offers charging stations. Public 负责rs are also available in many communities, but access may be limited to the free ones.
在使用电动汽车之前, bear in mind that 电动汽车s don’t perform the same as traditional vehicles. EVs handle a lot like gas-powered vehicles, but they don’t accelerate the same. 而燃气马达需要一些时间才能达到最大功率, 电动汽车s can reach their peak as soon as you step on the accelerator pedal. 一些电动汽车还具有“单踏板驾驶”的特点,” in which removing your foot from the accelerator pedal is similar to pressing the brakes.
你可以找到各种价位的电动汽车, ranging from 预算-friendly compact hatchbacks to higher-priced 电动汽车s, 跨界车, suv和皮卡. If you need more 房间, greater travel distance and high-end 表演, you’ll need a bigger 预算.
年前, EVs were significantly more expensive than their gas-powered counterparts, 但由于竞争,许多制造商降低了价格. 《太阳集团官网》包括电动汽车税收抵免. 2023款日产Leaf S起售价不到30美元,000, making it the lowest cost non-discontinued electric vehicle for sale in the US as of mid-2023.
也就是说, 远程电动suv, 皮卡和豪华轿车的价格可能超过100美元,今天的000, but experts predict their prices will come down as more models enter the market.
In general, it’s cheaper to maintain an 电动汽车 than a gas vehicle. 你不必担心换油, 火花塞, 传动皮带, 或者传输服务, and most service visits are as simple as an inspection and tire rotation.
如果你想要更长的行驶里程或更快的充电, 计划在家里投资一个二级充电站, 尤其是当你在工作中没有手机的时候.”
每辆新电动汽车都配有1级充电器, 如果你的通勤时间很短,哪一种更好, 插电式混合动力车, 或者在工作时使用充电站, 或者你是否可以在晚上给电动汽车充电超过8小时.
如果你想要更长的行驶里程或更快的充电, plan to invest in a Level 2 charging station. These 240-volt 负责rs are four times faster and provide 13 to 25 miles of power per hour of 负责, 根据PG&E. They cost $500 to $700 and require a professional to install the outlet on a dedicated circuit in your home. 有超过45个,在全国范围内提供了000个公共二级充电站, 很多都是免费的. 如果你不在家里充电, you’ll want to be sure you have access to a Level 2 station that’s reliable and readily available — and that you have time to use it. 一些雇主也为员工提供这种收费方式.
If you’re looking to power up in a hurry, look for a DC or Level 3 fast-charging station. 他们会在10到30分钟内充满你的电动汽车, but it will cost you — sometimes as much as filling up the tank of a gas car.
There are many apps and websites to help find a charging station near you.
You can expect most EVs on the market today — including subcompact SUVs, 高性能的轿车, 还有跨界车,一次充电可以行驶250英里左右. Some longer-范围 models can travel more than 350 miles on a single 负责, 但这些电动汽车的价格要高得多.
在低端, 一些电动汽车和suv的行驶里程在100英里左右, 哪种方法适合大多数家庭. 根据环境保护署(EPA), 85%的美国家庭每天的出行里程不足100英里.
如今,大多数电动汽车的行驶里程为250英里. 低端车型充一次电可能只能跑100英里, while higher-end EVs may be able to go more than 350 miles without charging.”
与制造业相关的温室气体排放, charging and driving an electric vehicle are typically lower than the total greenhouse gas emissions from a gasoline car, 环保局说. 本质上, the benefits of electric charging — especially as the country invests in more wind and solar power — negate many of the emissions created by the production process.
随着时间的推移, we can expect to see environmental impact decline as manufacturing and EV battery recycling processes continue to improve.
在加州,PG&E offers rebate programs for customers to buy pre-owned EVs and to install 二级充电站 at home.”
通过2022年的通货膨胀削减法案, the federal government offers tax credit options for new and used 电动汽车 buyers. Dealers may apply the credit as an instant rebate at the time of purchase; alternatively, 你可以在报税时申报.
The State of California also offers incentives 电动汽车购买者, including the following:
Some electric utilities offer rebate programs to help customers buy 电动汽车s and install home charging stations. 在加州,PG&E提供:
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1 根据 http://afdc.energy.gov/laws/ 截至2023年5月1日.