Planning for the unexpected today can save you headaches tomorrow. 汽车保险3 can help protect your vehicle and others in the event of a collision. 当你有合适的保险时, 万一被盗,你可以减少你的损失, 冰雹, 火, 或者自然灾害.
你是否有车, 卡车, 摩托车, 或房车, it’s always a good time to do an 保险 check-up to make sure you’re getting the best coverage and rates. +, as a 帕特尔科信用合作社 member, you could save up to $652 on auto 保险! You may also be eligible for bundled and claims-free discounts!
Get rewarded for continuous years of claims-free driving
当你合并保单时,节省很多钱3 适用于多车
覆盖范围取决于许多变量. 请拨888.380.9287获取定制报价.
Collision 保险 can cover damage to your vehicle in the event of a covered accident or collision with another auto or vehicle. This coverage may include repairs or a replacement for your covered vehicle. Comprehensive 保险 pays for damage to your covered vehicle caused by events such as theft, 冰雹, 或者自然灾害.
成本取决于许多变量. 请拨888.380.9287获取定制报价.
A deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket in the event of a covered loss.
Patelco helps you get ready for the unexpected with our Patelco Protection Plans. We know that life can come at you in the most unexpected ways; that’s why we offer protection plans to help you be financially prepared for anything that comes along. 你准备好迎接预期了吗?
如果你受伤了,不能工作怎么办? 你目前的保险范围够吗? 或者万一你意外死亡, will your family be able to keep up with everyday expenses and debt?
It is possible to plan for the unexpected with our loan and payment protection plan that cancels your loan payments or balance, 不超过合同的最高限额, 如果你有失业保险, 残疾或去世.
但是如果其他意想不到的开支出现了怎么办? 你能弥补差额吗?
例如, 得到一辆新车是令人兴奋的, but it starts losing value the second you drive it off the lot. And if it gets wrecked or stolen you could owe more than your 保险 will pay, 这个差距可能是数千美元.
一次性费用为595美元, 资产保障, 或GAP +, can help reduce that gap and put you back where you belong – behind the wheel. 它可以作为你贷款的一部分. This averages out to just over $8 per month over the course of a 5 year loan, giving you protection and can help provide you peace of mind.
But what happens when those big repair bills come along?
Mechanical Breakdown 保险 (MBI) can help make big repair bills a lot smaller. Just choose a plan and deductible to help reduce your out-of-pocket expenses on covered repairs and get additional benefits like roadside assistance, 租金和差旅费报销, 和更多的. So when life throws you an unexpected curve – you can be covered.
我需要什么样的保险呢? 获得关于多少汽车保险的指导, if you need life 保险 and how much and how to evaluate the cost of health 保险.
想买辆车? Learn how to make the most of your large purchase with tips on how to prepare, 研究, 省钱, 买车的时候要量入为出.
了解如何在汽车保险上省钱. Discover tried and true ways to reduce premiums and uncover discounts. 你现在也可以存钱了!
1 储蓄 validated by new customers who switched to Liberty Mutual in 2021 and participated in a countrywide survey. 储蓄可能会有所不同. 比较不适用于MA.
2 Discounts and savings are available where state laws and regulations allow and may vary by state. 某些折扣只适用于特定的保险项目. 在法律允许的范围内, applicants are individually underwritten; not all applicants may qualify.
3 计划由信托保险代理公司提供, 由利宝互助保险公司承保. aut - 5367309.1-1222-0224
4 Non-deposit investment products and services are offered through CUSO Financial Services, L.P. (“CFS”), a registered broker-dealer (Member FINRA/SIPC) and SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Products offered through CFS: are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured, are not guarantees or obligations of the credit union, and may involve investment risk including possible loss of principal. Investment Representatives are registered through CFS. 帕特尔科信用合作社 has contracted with CFS to make non-deposit investment products and services available to credit union members.
5 保险 products are not deposits of 帕特尔科信用合作社 and are not insured by the NCUA. They are not guaranteed by 帕特尔科信用合作社 and may be subject to risk. Any 保险 required as a condition of an extension of credit by 帕特尔科信用合作社 need not be purchased from Patelco 保险 Services and may be purchased from an agent or an 保险 company of the member’s choice. Patelco 保险 Services is a subsidiary of 帕特尔科信用合作社. 保险 products are offered by Patelco 保险 Services, 加州保险代理公司(许可证#0C97544). Any complaints may be filed with the California Department of 保险 at 保险